Saturday, July 19, 2014

Buzzard Complex Fire Goes High-Tech

Notice the camera, front left?  Oregon Interagency Incident Management Team 4 is working with LBI, a satellite/internet provider, for video conferencing needs.  This technology allows morning and evening briefings to be beamed via satellite to approximately 600 firefighters who are sleeping in spike and coyote camps closer to the line.
The ability to watch the briefing from a remote location is beneficial in many ways.  Firefighters can get more sleep and return to the line earlier because they do not have long [and potentially hazardous] drive times back into camp.
The video beams from the Crane Elementary School to a satellite, down to Salt Lake UT, back to a satellite, then to monitors at remote camps near Stray Dog Reservoir (north side of fire) and Crowley Road (southeast side of fire).

1 comment:

  1. Dette er første gang jeg leser innlegget ditt og beundre at du postet artikkel som gir brukerne mye informasjon om spesielle tema takk for denne aksjen.
